One of the darkest environmental games from FromSoftware is Bloodborne. It is very popular for its tough bosses and visual presentation. You will always have to come up with a strategy to beat bloodborne bosses up. Now we will rank them according to their difficulties without summons only solo play.

Here’s the Bloodborne Bosses


22. Witches Of Hemwick – you can find within the Witches Abode in Hemwick Charnel Lane which is situated behind the grand cathedral ward after you pass the jungle. 

bloodborne bosses

You can consider them the easiest boss of the game . by mentioning them because there will be two witches you just have to ignore their summons and find them and before they can cast any spell just hit them and kill them . 


21. Celestial Emissary – This is an optional boss in bloodborne bosses that you can find in the Upper Cathedral Ward. You have to find a key first then you can unlock the upper cathedral. 

bloodborne bosses

You can also call them celestial beings. At first they will be many in numbers but you just have to find the main one who summons others. If you hit him, then only his health bar will go down or not. There are two forms of him, one is little, the other one is that he will become gigantic so you aim to lower his health in his small form as much as you can. Then you can beat him so easily. 


20. Cleric beast – the first boss of bloodborne you will face on the great bridge of Yharnam and you will be mesmerized by his entry.


bloodborne bosses

The easiest way to defeat him is by staying behind him and always go for his butt. 

19. The One Reborn – it can be found in Yahar’gul Chapel Lamp area and one of the larger boss in bloodborne. 

bloodborne bosses

You will be enough strong before reaching this boss. First take out the witches who rings the bell and through the fire balls. You can get access on the second floor through the four pillars of each corner. After killing them the one reborn will be easy for you . you have to just maintain distance when he starts to move his leg wildly and dodge when he call dirts from sky that;s it. 

18. Living failure – the outer space creature can be found in a beautiful garden called Lumenwood Garden. It is a DLC boss. 

bloodborne bosses

You have to test your dodge power in this arena and make your weapon strong enough. At a time 3 will appear just hit, kill when the sky turns galaxy run and dodge. 

17. Mergo’s Wet Nurse – is the last boss before the final fight found in At the very top of the Nightmare of Mensis. 

bloodborne bosses

Make your weapon stronger and always stay behind her and then hit. When she goes to her nightmare form then you have to  start to  run in a circle . even after these you will get some hit but do not tense. You can kill on your 2 or 3 attempts if you follow these instruction. 

16. Micolash, Host of the Nightmare – The worst boss ever of all bloodborne bosses. 

bloodborne bosses
A confusing maze of running will make your way hard but the boss itself will be easy to kill. 


15. Amygdala – a long handed boss of bloodborne bosses. There is also have a easy method for it when it make a just change your location a little bit and you will find his face and attack their it is the easiest way to kill it or it will be a nightmare for you. 

bloodborne bosses


14.  Darkbeast Paarl – another optional boss with the power of electricity. It is found beside the Hypogean Gaol prison. Legs are the weak point, try to break his pose and make it. 

bloodborne bosses


13. Moon presence – one of the endings from the three endings of bloodborne. The final and main boss of this dream world of bloodborne. After fighting with gerham you can fight with him but you have to do a secret thing. 

bloodborne bosses

Now fighting this boss will be easy most of the time people do it in their second try one of the main reason is your character get strong enough as well as your skill also to kill it easily.


12. Rom, the Vacuous Spider – This one is meant to be easy but the spider he summons makes the fight more lengthy but if you can dodge properly you can hit from even having those spiders around. Another this attacking on their face takes less damage. 

bloodborne bosses


11. Shadows of Yharnam – Three shadows will come to hunt you and try to stop you from going byrgenwerth. Bolt paper and parrying will help you to get them down. 

bloodborne bosses

10. Blood Starved Beast – an optional boss you can find in old yharnam. From here you have to test yourself. You can find easy methods to kill it but you have to master that process.But my suggestion is not to use that trick  instead of that try to  know its pattern , after that dodging and attacking will do the rest.  You have to maintain the time also in the last part  where it gets so angry. 

bloodborne bosses


9. Vicar Amelia – blood of Laurence, the first vicar who founded the healing church. An angry boss. Fire is very affecting. You have to be skilled to take her down. 

bloodborne bosses

8. Gascoigne – a hunter who hunts the hunter. Combination of dodging and attacking power helps you to kill him down. He has two forms.Another thing, take the recorder from her daughter that will help you to calm him for a time.

bloodborne bosses

This person will give you the feel of a nightmare you will know the fun of fromsoftware. Don’t lose hope just try and try. 


 7. Gehrman – The final boss if you do not take the third ending of moon presence you get an option to fight with him and take his place. 

bloodborne bosses

6. Logarius – an optional boss with the power of magic makes him stronger. Parrying is one of the best options to take him down and dodging his second form is so hard. 

bloodborne bosses

5. Ebrietas – An optional boss at the top of the healing church. It is a result of a healing church experiment. Players with strength based weapons might find him easy. I said might. But others will face a nightmare. 

bloodborne bosses

4. Laurence the first vicar – founder of the healing church. A dlc boss that can be found in the grand cathedral.

bloodborne bosses

3. Ludwig, The Accursed – got the award of ugliest boss and holder of the Dark moon sword.

bloodborne bosses

2. Lady Maria – A DLC character and the watcher of the Astral Clocktower. Killing her is almost like an art. You have to know her every move and react instantly to keep safe from her and then attack.

bloodborne bosses

1. Orphan of the cause – the final boss of D.L.C. All the best . The hardest boss of all bloodborne bosses , even the tough ones, get tired of him. 

bloodborne bosses

You know everyone can be beat down Bloodborne Bosses easily with the tips from any youtube video but try yourself first try to understand the patterns of their attack you will find many openings to attack.

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